
Expectation for Assignments (in-class and homework)

General Guidelines:  All students are expected to have their name, date and student number on each and every paper.  Assignments turned in without a name may cause students not to get credit for that assignment. 

Grammar:  Students are expected to use capital letters, punctuation and complete sentences on all assignments unless other directions have been given.  If a student turns in a paper without these things the assignment may either be given back to be corrected or the student may loose points.  If there is a consistent pattern of not using correct punctuation, capitalization and complete sentences students may loose recess to practice.  These are components of writing that should be mastered by the 4th grade.

Spelling:  Students are expected to spell words correctly that are in a question, prompt or reading.  With the word already spelled correctly for them, it should be spelled correctly in their writing.  This is true also for spelling words, vocabulary words, or word wall words that are posted in the classroom.  It is important for students to take advantage of resources readily available to them.  Worker smarter, not harder! 

Handwriting:  Students are expected to use a level of penmanship acceptable of 4th graders.  Examples include writing on the lines, having a clear difference between capital and lowercase letters, it can be clearly read, and the correct format is used.Directions:  Students are expected to read ALL directions and include all parts asked of them in an assignment.  There will be an opportunity for every assignment to ask questions and clear up any confusion.  Students should use this time to make sure they understand what is asked.  Being able to clearly follow directions is a skill that will ensure success in school and in life.